
Trajković Jelena

Action /The trust

Man has entered the 21st century with high hopes of life without wars, a life ruled by democracy and prosperity. Man has always been afraid and torn apart between his hopes of a happier future and justified fears of an uncertain tomorrow. In this digital era, man has developed technology very quickly and therefore concentrated all his potential on it, even if a happier life lies inside himself and in the development of his own potential. This artwork speaks of a strong but at the same time gentle and vulnerable man. The drawings have the goal to make the observer think about his position in the world in general. The new materials, acrylic and led diode, wish to represent the artificiality of a contemporary techno-civilization as well as the need to communicate by using dynamic means with today’s observer, whose senses have adapted to the high and permanent audio-visual stimuli.
In this exhibition the emphasis is not on the physical mimetic body image, it is intended to show the movement of emotions from fear to hope and confidence. Works such as "Action / The Trust", "A Step Forward / Hope" and the triptych “The Idea, Life As an Open Circuit” are symbols of hope and life that, like nature, strives to move and changes. It serves as a reminder to open ourselves and to undertake new actions and organizations.
The artwork can be used as a floor lamp, as a screen, a wall between two rooms or as a wall light installation/ lamp.